
Excalibur helps businesses’ define their brand, their core values, and tone of voice. We make sure that these terms are communicated across all media channels.


We are a brand strategy agency offering web development services, hosting, SEO, identity design, brand story, and messaging.

Web Design

It is important to consider aesthetics, load time, readability, navigation, SEO, and other factors to make your company stand out against the competition in today’s market. At Excalibur, our knowledgeable team knows how to manage this delicate balance of form and function so you can maintain your customer base as well as attract new ones.

Graphic Design

Graphic design is one of the best ways to reach your current and potential customers. The use of communicating through graphics has been around for ages and is here to stay. A well-executed campaign can communicate pertinent information effectively across multiple platforms to a broad audience.


When done properly, search engine optimization (SEO) can be a powerful tool for attracting new customers and qualified leads to your website. Our SEO team doesn't guess, assume, or hope for the best. Research and scientifically-tested data are the foundation of our SEO strategies. And every time, our results are proven.

Social Media

A study has revealed that 71% of users are more inclined to make a purchase based on reviews when researching a product or service on social media. Utilizing Social Media Marketing (SMM) provides businesses with unparalleled leverage, enabling them to attract new customers and maintain their loyalty at the most affordable cost.


Creating a custom, engaging, and user-centric e-commerce website that not only attracts your target audience but also converts them into loyal customers is what we do.


Excalibur Marketing has a plan for your brand. Whether you are a new business or an established company, our collaborative process reveals the core identity of your business. With our system, we're able to take your specific goals, visions, and desires and manifest them in the real world. After completing the project, you will have everything you need to amplify the culture and voice of your company.


Excalibur Marketing has mastered the art of packaging design. Our strategy is guided by many factors, including size, material, color, shape, placement, scalability, and many others. We ensure that every angle of your product is exceptional without compromising its functionality.


It is crucial to have well-thought-out copy as Google and other search engines become better at understanding "natural language" on websites. Using proper keywords, tags, and paragraph breaks can determine whether your site appears on the first page of a search, or if it is even ranked.

Digital Advertising

Nowadays, digital advertising has evolved beyond mere banner ads. Excalibur Marketing focuses on targeting specific demographics such as age, gender, income level, behavior, interests, geo-location, and purchase/search history to enhance display ads, native ads, pay-per-click, retargeting campaigns, search engine marketing (SEM), search engine optimization (SEO), and other strategies for your project.